Best practices and process drive winning white papers.

Best Practices and Processes Drive Winning White Papers

Processes save time and money by guiding experienced professionals through a series of time-proven best practices to reliably create something of value. By not following a process, you make things up along the way, reinventing the wheel for each project.

The primary advantage of a process is that it manages a number of common but potentially vexing problems and pitfalls early in the game. This saves time, money and frustration down the road and positions the project for success. Processes are all about success.

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Chicago B2B Tech Marketing Writer

White Paper Writing for Lead Generation

For selling complex and expensive products, white papers are essential marketing tools that can elevate your brand, position your company as a trusted expert, promote your proprietary technology or idea, and capture or nurture a qualified lead.

B2B buyers do their own research — mostly online — before reaching out to a vendor. This is why white papers are so important. They get you into a conversation that’s already in progress.

White papers can take many forms, such as lists, which are great for building awareness, or backgrounders, which help in seal the deal with established prospects.

But for lead generation, a well-written, reader-centric problem/solution white paper delivers the most impact and makes the best impression on your most highly qualified prospects. It builds trust, which motivates action.

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Chicago B2B Tech Marketing Writer

Two Things That Drive White Paper Readers Nuts

If you’re using white papers to nurture or generate leads, getting your white paper right has never been more important. As white papers proliferate, it’s important to be aware of how to get your white papers to cut through the clutter and position your solution as the best choice.

Unfortunately, many white papers miss the mark when it comes to satisfying reader expectations. According to “Technology Buying and Media Consumption Survey, Report 2” by TechTarget and CMO Council, there are two things that drive white paper readers nuts. If you avoid these two hazards, you’re well on your way to a winning white paper.

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Chicago B2B Tech Marketing Writer

3 Ways to Hook B2B Tech Readers

In a river of repetition, what will readers hit?

What if an angler drops a line in the river with something new, fresh and tasty on their hook, would that give them an edge? If they know where the fish are, then yes.

But when it comes to messaging, content and sales copy, business-to-business (B2B) tech marketers all seem to be shopping at the same bait shop.

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Why Savvy Marketers Use White Papers to Generate Leads, Build Credibility and Strengthen Brand Awareness

“When done right, nothing pulls in qualified leads like a well-targeted offer for a juicy white paper,” says marketing expert Larry Chase, publisher of Web Digest for Marketers. White papers are indispensable in reaching and converting qualified buyers who are making career-shaping decisions about expensive, complex solutions.

White papers showcase your unique solution

White papers — also know as discussion papers, special reports, e-books, executive briefs — are business-to-business (B2B) fact-based articles about a technology, process or innovation that sets your company, product or service apart from the competition. White papers are about a new or better way to solve a problem or achieve a result. White papers help buyers understand an issue and make a decision.

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