Tech Content Success Hinges on the Story Angle

People researching tech solutions have a lot of content to sift through. Unfortunately, much of it is consistently dull and uninspiring. In this sea of sameness, how much of it actually has an impact? Does it position the brand as an authority and differentiate it from the competition? Does it get a return on investment by generating brand value or leads? Does it get read or downloaded? 

To get readers to start reading, keep reading, and remember your brand, you need a good story angle and an engaging, conversational voice. In this blog, we’ll discuss story angle and cover voice in a subsequent blog.

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Hook tech readers with emotion

How to Hook Tech Readers With Emotion — Without Getting Emotional

Believe it or not, white papers evoke all sorts of emotions. Unfortunately, those emotions might be frustration or annoyance if your white paper doesn’t deliver on its promise.

But you can evoke emotions in your white paper that will bond the reader to the message and your brand. The formula is actually quite simple, and is a time-tested method for persuasive writing.

First, avoid the two things that drive white paper readers nuts: writing a product brochure disguised as a white paper or not focusing on a clear solution. Give white paper readers what they want, which is a fact-based discourse on a specific solution.

The Emotional Touch Point Is in the Business Challenge 

Use the time-tested problem-solution format for your white paper. Start by describing the problem and its symptoms, because it’s the symptoms that touch the emotions. It shouldn’t be too emotionally descriptive, because it could come across as manipulative. But if the problem being described causes people to be frustrated, stressed, overworked or overwhelmed — or anything else that people like to avoid — mention that. 

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Get more leads with your white paper.

4 MORE Ways to Supercharge Your White Paper for Lead Generation

White papers are a win-win for marketers eager to establish authority, build brand awareness and generate qualified leads, and for buyers and influencers who need credible information to help them make crucial buying decisions. 

Especially in this age of business modernization, white papers are becoming more important than ever in positioning your company or solution as the go-to provider of your product or service. 

Readers have certain expectations when it comes to what they want in a white paper. In my last blog post, I covered the four top things to get right with your next white paper: 

  1. Strive for clarity in the text 
  2. Pay attention to length
  3. Open with a summary, close with a conclusion
  4. End with a call to action

The next four tips are more about making your white paper shine and attracting attention to it. 

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Lead generation for white papers

4 Ways to Supercharge Your White Paper for Lead Generation

White papers are still the king of content when it comes to attracting and nurturing qualified leads for complex or expensive solutions. But many white papers fail in their mission to get results. 

As more and more white papers are published, getting it right has never been more important. Start with these two steps, which are covered in more detail in previous blogs. 

Step one: Be aware of what white paper readers want, and avoid the two things that drive them nuts.

Step two: To attract the most qualified leads, base your white paper on a topic that’s of high importance to your best prospects. Then write the content and title to address their pain and how your solution cures the pain. 

To increase readership and leads even more, follow one or more of the following tips.  

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